Titans and Telosians!


We’re happy to announce an exciting event – a first-of-its-kind TitanBorn & Telos Free Mint of Blue Game Passes NFT!

When is it going to happen? Soon! On September 12th you will be able to mint your very own TitanBorn Blue Game Pass NFT.

TLDR: join the Free Mint whitelisting campaign now, mint on September 12th and then play the TitanBorn game till end of September to join a $1500 prize pool raffle competition. Everyone can win!


What is TitanBorn (just in case you’ve missed it;)

Titanborn is a 1st of its kind 3D fighting game on Telos blockchain that combines classic yet unique gameplay with play-and-earn mechanics. It’s built on a fun-first principle with an eSports revenue stream that ensures a sustainable game economy.

TitanBorn’s alpha version is LIVE and playable in your browser: https://play.titanborn.gg/


What is the Game Pass NFT?

It is an essential item for the upcoming TitanBorn full-game release. The one distributed during the Free Mint will have the following EXCLUSIVE features:

  • Works as a key to P&E features in TitanBorn game
  • Helps you join $1000 Raffle Competition
  • Gives access to the upcoming Play-to-Airdrop Campaign


How to join the Free Mint?

To join the Free Mint you need to complete some simple social tasks and that’s it – you’ll be whitelisted!

To join the whitelist, you can go here: https://app.galxe.com/quest/Telos/GCVsWtxqwy

or complete the TitanBorn social quests on Tekika.io

There is no difference in results, but you can choose what is the most comfortable option for you.

The number of whitelist spots is unlimited, so everybody can get it, but the mint itself will be FCFS: First Come First Served.

You can apply for the whitelist from September 4th till September 11th 11 am UTC.

The Free Mint supply is only 200, so you need to hurry to the mint page on the date and time of 12th September at 2 pm UTC. 

The mint will happen here on Telos blockchain (be sure to set your Metamask to Telos EVM!): https://titanborn.gg/mint-page/

Final whitelist will be announced in our socials at 18.00 UTC on September 11th.


How to join the $1000 raffle?

You need to take just a couple of simple steps:

  1. Mint the Free NFT.
  2. Register on https://titanborn.gg/ with your email.
  3. Connect your wallet with the NFT.
  4. Play the game! Beat at least one BOSS in Missions mode to get 5 $TBORN tokens – and you’re in!

The raffle competition will take place from September 16th till September 30th. The raffle will happen on October 2nd.

We will raffle 20 prizes $50 each.

Want more? Play more, earn more $TBORN coins in Missions and Autobattler PvP modes, climb the leaderboard and share prizes from an additional $500 prize pool!

  • First place will get $100. 
  • 2nd -10th – $30 each. 
  • We will raffle additional 11 prizes $10 each among all the leaderboard participants.


Final words

So, the game is on! Join the Free Mint, play the game and win cool prizes!

Game on, Titans and Telosians!